Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 

poster- me and paige have completed our poster which i think looks really god we have based the poster around a teenage girl life so we used images of paige in her school uniform in a bedroom the room is quite girly and creates and atmosphere

radio ad- the radio ad we havent quite start but we know we are going to use the text from the poster in the radio ad so it creates a link so people will think ive seen that before and think more deeply about the ad and the aim of our champaign .

we still need to do a little more research but other than that our campaign is going really well

our visit from the central school of speech and drama
free Audition voucher

The voucher we received is for a standard audition for a undergraduate . they were given to us because we took part in a work shop which was based on auditions .i now to be very open in audition project my voice use emotion remember your lines and if you forget try to carrying on but the best thing to remember is be creative use different voice and are you using english correctly.

we were also made to think about our future which was a new thing for me i didnt know what i wanted to do before i leave school but now i have a better idea i would like to take a course link to drama media or music i have some time to think about things but i now have some kind of idea .

the work shop got me thinking about people and people skills and made me think about the skills we need to do with people because as we get older we meet more people we work with people live with people and we need skills to get along with them and even be friends with them .
Today we had a visit from the cssd we were then joined by brentford school for girls .we started by standing in a circle to play a name game called splat .Then after the game we decided we needed to get to know each other so we were sat next to people we had never met before this was very helpful so we could kinda  learn each others names .after this we played another game ,this game included walking around the class room until a number was called we then had to makes groups with that number of people .we then had to make a still image of things like pineapples .The task i was not so keen on was when we had to lay on the floor for about 20 minutes an think about our future and where we think we will be when we are 25 i did not know the answer to that question then and i still dont know the answer so i think that task was kind of a waste of time .overall ive learned quite about about skills i will need in the future .one of the key skills i have learned today is improving my people skills because this morning i was really quite shy i didn't want to speak to the other girls that i didnt know but by doing group activities ive been able to talk to the other girls so i now know that group work is a good way to improve people skills .I have enjoyed thinking about my future  and what skills i will need in life like drama skills are very useful in everyday life .
Actor : 
whats does a actor do
acts in play but in order to do this they need to learn lines
they may need to learn dances and songs
they need to learn stage directions
they need to be able to do very quick costumes changed
they need to know when to us props and what props to use

did you know ? the actors that preform in billy Elliot perform to up to 1550 people in a full booking

Theatre producer

-Pays cost and helps to stay in budget
-looks and finds new materials and assembles the new and best talent to perform 
- they need to spread the word about the performance  and set up advertisement
earning £300 a week

costume designer

-they design and create costumes for the cast
-he or she is considered the production team
-the designer might also do the job of a hair and make artist
Salaries may range from around £18,000 a year to £40,000 or more. However, most costume designers are freelance.

 sound engineer
-Live sound engineer is a person dealing with live sound
reinforcement . This usually includes planning and installation of speakers, cabling and equipment and mixing sound during the show. This may or may not include running the fold back sound
 -  salary £35,000 to £40.00

lighting designer

- the role of a light designer is to work with the director ,set designer ,costume designer and choreographer to create a overall look to the show in response to the text

- they also are in control of safety  and costs

-they work close with stage manager on show control and programming

salary -£35.000 - £38.000

stage manager

-in charge of organizing the production and communicating across different disciplines  
-making sure every thing runs smoothly

-planning rehearsals

-making sure cast members stick to scrips

-making sure the rehearsals go to plan

salary -£145.000 - £17.000

yesterday i created my mask which i found really fun and i am very happy with my mask i think it looks really good and scary i loved seeing everyone's work and hows theres turned out .I really like reeces design and i think its really quite scary .
we have been working with neutral mask and creating a prison scene with show that the mask it scary on our own so we made our selves look asif we are tied to the wall and we break out and show that there is lots of crime inside prison so we showed us fighting this was a go effect to get a message across .
this week i have been doing  a lot  work on weeblyand starting to create music for our murder scene.i have found this week very hard and i feel like i have been underpressure with the amount of time ive been given to come up with some kind of music
starting performance : we have started looking into peformances and how they came around ....we have also been looking at film noir because we are going to create our movie in a film noir theme .

reading the script : we have been reading our new script call dial m for murder .The script its quie good but very long and i dont really like some of the characters names .

watching double indememity : i like the film and its quite predictable but one thing i really is that you see the ending before the begging and by this i mean when you see walter neff all sweaty talking to a tape recorder and then he tells you the story

roles : today we have planned with roles we will be playing , samit will be playing max,
paige will be playing inspector , sushil will also been playing an inspector , jack will be playing captin lesgate , i will be playing vivian and reeces will be playing tony .

remembering line : im finding it quite easy to remember my line but i wish i could say the same thing for reeces its been hard work trying to help him .But i think we will pull through with a little bit more practise .

setting the scene :today we was able to take what we wanted out of the drama cupboard to set our scene . we were creating a living room so we made a sofa out of chairs and covered it with a throw over ,we also had a small table with a lamp and telephone and also a a coffee table we need this for the letters and knife

 idea's for music : i was asked to create the music which worried me a little so ive been trying to find some music in a minor key to so with the murder scene in our film

yesterday we filmed  our own making of dial M for murder .We where each given roles such  as actor's ,camera man or women ,director and runner.each role played a big part .I was a actress i found working as a actress really quite hard and stressful also getting along with co workers were also quite hard .We filmed all of our scenes within 4 lesson each lesson was 45 mins we where all very happy with the amount of  film that we had .everybody worked very well as a group and a lot of work was completed which we all was very happy with .The next thing we will be doing is  editing our film and creating our music for the film also we will be doing our titles and credits . :0

this week i have  been creating my leaflet .i had to do a lot more research . found about even more info on places in london and hounslow .i used a green ,yellow and black colour scheme  which i think is perfect for the age group of 12-14 .i found it quite easy working for a age group of 12-14 because its my sort of age group 


On thursday i went to the photographers gallery to work with cumberland  school .we started by just looking around with some one that worked their staff at the photographers gallery this was quite fun i most enjoyed going out and   finding my own images around town was fun but i didnt really like the group i was put in well i was ok and quite happy but i would have lied to work in a different group