Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 

1) Be able to choose, plan and              2)to be able to research imformation      3)to be able to select and  
         manage a project                                          an apply it to a project                           apply skills   to complete a project

4)      Be able to review a project and own performance, and analyze  the project outcomes                                                                                                                                                                                        

my question : is it possible to raise awareness of eating disorders to imform young girls of the problems they may be facing?

my project will be based on a campaign i wish to create

my campaign

I has chosen  base our campaign on eating disorders .I like the idea of eat disorders because we read about celebs with eating disorders but now we would like people to hear about young girls who suffer with the same thing and allow them to hear the stories of theses girls .

Anorexia : a person suffering with anorexia may be abnormally sensitive about being perceived  as fat or have a massive fear of becoming fat though not all people with anorexia have this fear they may be afraid of loosing control over the amount of food they eat.accompanied by the desire to control their emotions and reactions to their emotions .

bulimia : men and women who live with bulimia seek out binge and purge episodes they will eat a large quantity of food in a relatives short period of time and then use behaviors or self induced vomiting because they feel overwhelmed in copying with their emotions or in order to punish themselves for something .

over 1 million men suffer with eating disorders

over 7 million females suffer with eating disorders

we picked to have teenage girls as our target audience because there are more women in the world with eating disorders than men and most of these females are between the age of 12 - 18


a campaign is a way of raising awareness using creative media arts.when campaigns are created they are normally aimed at a target audience.most campaigns are produced by advertising companies or public relations companies.many people create campaigns from charities want to promote there work to produces wanting to sell a product .
campaigns are for all different things some are for educating people .educational campaigns are like the anti smoking campaign which is used to educate people about smoking and what it does to your body.another things campaigns are used for is to raise awareness of a issue like the carrying a knife for someone else is a crime campaign this is raising awareness to people about what could happen to them if they carry a knife for someone else .campaigns are often used to publicize and event like a campaign to publicize  the ellection.

explaining bulimia

A woman with a long history of bulimia often comes to a treatment center believing that her hope is lost. Or she may believe that she isn't capable of feeling good about herself, or confident in her future. Often, her behaviors with food and eating are tightly intertwined with feelings of anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, shame and other complicated emotions. Although a woman with bulimia frequently excels academically or professionally, she can't understand why she continues to binge and purge despite negative physical, emotional, social and/or spiritual consequences.

you tube.

i have been using you tube to find videos and stories of young girls who have suffered  or suffer with anorexia .I liked this stories the most it allows to know how this young girl felt before she pasted away .

feeling emotional

not only did i want to raise awareness but i wanted a greater understandting to the emotion that these young girls and their familys feel , youtube had so many posted a had a few storys that i felt really helped me understand here they are :

my action plan

starting point - give a brief outline of your starting
point ,i.e. what have you been asked to do ? [x]

create a spider diagram
showing  all of your original ideas  [x]
how did you finally choose ?

note down a working title of your campaign [x]   notice the signs make a

create a questionnaire for your target audience  to see if
your campaign is worth while and on the right track (survey monkey )

research into the issue and the two types of media you are going to
use  [x]

this is a large section of work you will need to research from t˙e internet ,library ,newspapers and all other different sources []

research slogans ,images,other campaigns discuss what has worked and
failed before [x]

having completed your research write down a clear aim
.you may want to redraft this quite a few times [x]

how will you know
if its successful ? [x]

making what will you do with your research 
? [x]

slogan ,images ,idea boards [x]

make sure there is through
line that links your campaign together [x]

evaluations make sure you
refer back through all your work process [x]

Five facts about eating disorders

  1. Eating Disorders can be beaten.


  2. An eating disorder is serious.


  3. An eating disorder is not a dieting


  4. An eating disorder is not attention


  5. An eating disorder is an illness.

  6. ●●●

researching eating disorder campaign that already exist

The National Eating Disorders Association

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is a
  non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families
  affected by eating disorders. they campaign for prevention, improved access to
  quality treatment, and increased research funding to better understand and
treat  eating disorders. We work with partners and volunteers to develop
programs and  tools to help everyone who seeks assistance.


Beat is the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their
families.Beat is the working name of the Eating Disorders
Association, and we continue to build on the strong foundations of the past 20
years of work

this video below is talking to some of the people that beat has helped.

                                                The dove campaign

A Awareness-make the customer/audience aware of your

the audience
interested by explaining your point
and justifying

desire -convince the audience that they should agree with you

A action
- get the audience to take action and support your campaign (e.g donate


my campaign posters


"I was suffering with a eating disorder and someone noticed me "


"over 7 million girls suffer from eating disorders one of them"


"behind every smile theirs a story to be told "


" they say im perfect but ill never be happy notice the signs"


"7 million girls suffer with eating disorders in the uk , notice the signs make a difference "

with each picture ive chosen to write things which would play on someones mind , when people look at these i want them to think about what is said and too understand that its so comon for girls of a teen age to suffer from something like this , thats why ive included a photo's of girls my age and younger , ive also used myself as a model because i knew the poses id like to use for the photo's . each of these photo's were taken by me and also edited by me . i choose to keep the text in a light blue to stand out on the black and white images i also used the blue butterfly as a logo , so that when someone see's each of these photo's they know their all supporting the same thing .

Radio AD

creating the radio ad: to create the radio add we used garage band it was quite a simple process we started by planning what was going to say at what tone of voice we was going to used we then recorded ourselves saying the lines it took a dew times to get it right but when we did we decided to add the song run the cover version by Leona Lewis we new this song would be the perfect choice because is has a slow starting which went with the tone of voice myself and Paige was using .it didn't take long until the ad had finally come together i then transfer to voice clip to final cut pro were i added my poster i then uploaded it on to you tube .

why i like my radio ad: i like it because it seems ad and the topic we are talking about it quite sad so it has emotion to it which is quite different for a radio add because it would normally be something on telly so its different and catchy .

final poster

the aim of the poster : the aim of the poster is to show people what would happen if they do not notice the signs or try to make a difference

the idea of the poster :the idea come from a poster that had already been made of a girl looking in the mirror and she sees her self as fat but really she is super skinny but my idea changed  because i decided that she would fade away because most girls who go unnoticed die .

how to improve : to improve i think i could use  a different back ground and maybe make my message a but more clear


^^ this web site and number does not exist

My evaluation

research : Im really happy with my research because i have  learned so much about eating disorders and people suffering with eating disorders .I think i could have found a bit more about other eating disorders  campaigns   but i found there was bot many which made me want to do my campaign on eating disorders because its not something you hear about every day people know about it but do not quite know how to help others who are suffering with or even the people who are suffering from do not know who to turn to .I have  found the information the i under took so useful because now if i ever meet anyone suffering ill know the signs and ill know who to help them with topic i have  found quite emotional because of the research ,the you tube video i added called Elle's story was the saddest part i felt of this unit because it allowed me to understand what the families go through when some one suffers from a eating disorder it also showed me that now everybody get through eating disorders this to me is heart breaking .

changed : during my champaign i stayed with my original idea the only thing that truly changed was my understanding to eating disorders because before i never understood what the people go through mentally i thought they just become skinny and weak now i see that they as suffering from major depression which causes them to feel different about them selves and see them selves completely different to how we tend to see them .

how my campaign came together :

1. i had to find out what a campaign was and look at a few campaigns that had already been made.
2. i had to choose what campaign i would like to create which was eating disorders
3. research on eating disorders and look at any eating disorder campaigns
4.i had to decide how i would get my campaign out to the public 
5.i created my taster poster
6.i created my poster that was going advertise  my campaign 
7. i created my radio ad
8. i looked over my work and wrote about how i created things like my poster

my poster and radio ad : poster : my poster was aimed at family and friends of teenage girls that are suffering from eating disorders .I picked to aim my campaign at teen age girls because most people who suffer from eating disorders are teenage girls .My first idea was to take a picture of an eye and insert a image of someone who is suffering from a eating disorder but i found this quite hard so I made a taster poster with the eye and added some text but not to much this is just to make people want to learn more about my campaign .My main poster is images of one girl which is my parter paige and she's in her home environment on her own in her bedroom . I used these images because i believe she show emotion in her face which is really good to show people how the victims of eating disorders feel .The bedroom in the back ground of the poster came from google i liked this image because it was girly and had lot of space to put in my images .The text on the poster i like the most because i used it  in my radio ad its sad emotional and allowed our message to get across in the way we need it to i think the poster will open some peoples eyes which is really good because hopefully it would make people notice the sign and make a difference and even save lives.I also created the other posters to go along with the main poster , i think they go well together because their all aimed at the same audience .

my radio ad: My radio ad was a lot like my poster using the same lines i felt that was a good way to get people to remember our poster which i think works really well but i would like to change some of the things we said because we were trying aim the radio ad at the family and friends not the people suffering from  eating disorders .Also i think i would change the song we played in the back ground because it was quite sad but i think we could find a song a bit more meaning .another thing i would change is i would make it a little bit long to make it longer i would say more instead of having a small piece saying what the ads about just have a bit more .