Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 


L.O 1Be able to plan the presentation of own creative and media work in an appropriate form.

L.O 2 Know how to publicise the presentation.

L.O 3Be able to present own creative andmedia work.


for my  presentation i worked with the level 2 students on planning a festival .This festival was based around comic relief or as we called it red nose week .Because of this it helped me to prepare really well to put on a presentation .From my work below you will see the amount of work i put in to prepare the red nose festival .


                                                   local festivals

feltham festival

the festival is held through out  march and February .Its a art music and dance festival and is aimed for the local community  .The festival is filled with fun and joy through out the day for all the local people and happens every year with around 5000 people attending.

Barrio festival ( Philippine festival)

a festival that celebrates the Philippine culture held in lampton park in the mid summer .With over 80,000 attending  it one the most attended festivals in the UK .It brings colors and wonderful sights to lampton park but lets not forget about fun fair and the amazing food being served.

London Mela

held in gunnersbury park with more than 92,000 people who attend .the festival raises money for the British heart foundation and is filled with music and street dancing .The festival celebrates the Asian culture and has many  sponsors such as the national lottery ,BBC radio , O2 and king fisher larger beer. 
The first Mela took place in 2003 supported by the mayor of Bondon and produced by ealing council ,with large numbers attending it was proven a great success .
Program Content (This is content for the show.)
Community Area
12.00 Introduction followed by Interactive Dance Workshop - Jay Kumar
12.45 Vive Le Bollywood - by Bollywood-In
13.00 TBC
13.15 Saraasa
13.30 Bollyfeat
13.45 Drama Setterz
14.00 Angel Dancers
14.15 Danceophrenics
14.30 TBC
14.45 Vive Le Bollywood - by Bollywood-In
15.00 Jay Kumar's DanceAsia & "I Love Bollywood" Session
15.30 Mela's Got Talent ! - Short acts highlighting the talents in the community
16.00 TBC
16.15 Saraasa
16.30 Bollyfeat
16.45 Drama Setterz
17.00 Angel Dancers 
17.15 Danceophrenics
17.30 TBC
17.45 Vive Le Bollywood - by Bollywood-In
18.00 Jay Kumar's DanceAsia & "I Love Bollywood" Session
18.30 Mela's Got Talent !
19.00 Nutkhut Dancers 
19.20 Bollywood Dance Party - Music for people to party to with guest DJ 
20.00 Close

Major festival 


the first festival happened in September 1970. the festival is filled with artist's for all age groups and happens for 4 days a year.They raise large amounts of money for charity's such a oxfam,water aid ,Greenpeace .

with over 135,000 people attending this event has become huge in the UK.All funds come from ticket sales and entry fee's and stool rentals which then pays for the event and leaves enough money to donate to the charities.
Cannes Film festival

the festival has been running for around 60 years now and celebrates all the amazing films that has been made every year costing over 20 million euro's.The festival is sponsored by company's such as  nestle , LG, Orange , Hp, Renault .The festival is invite  only and is not open to the public.

particular festivals

The Melbourne fashion festival

the festival started in 1996 as non profit organization to promote the Australian fashion industry to stimulate sales and present Melbourne and the center of design .The event is sponsored by L'Oreal Paris  and there government partner , state government Victoria .


                                  researching how major feastivals create publicity

    GLASTONBURY -    feastival of performing arts

    Glastonbury is able to imform you through a website this creates publicity but the publicity is more likey to have come from more well known places for example     BBC  ONE     used glastonburys playlist  which raises awareness of the the festival all over the place.

glastonbury also has its own youtube acount with some adverts showing what the festival is like ........

                                                  starting to plan


as a group we have been planning together using mind maps as a resource .The basic idea is to base the festival around red nose day as it is well known and a huge event .We looked at what job roles we would need and we came to the conclusion that the main roles were ....
* advertising manger  
* researching cordator 
* group manager 
* techo manager
we all have a basic idea to which job is right for us for example i am very much in control ... i enjoy working hard so i found myself fitting in to the job  of the group manager perfectly .


we have been planning which teachers we need to meet with in order to plan this event here is a list of teachers who we will be needing to meet with :
* miss lawrence - in control of red nose day ( completed)
* mrs casey - in control of funding 
* mrs john -in control of non school uniform day (completed)
* mr herley - in control of the media truck
*mr taylor - in control of electrical equitment 

contacting teachers 

this is the email i sent to miss lawrence asking to arange a short meeting to discuss idea's and plans 

    IT NOT JUST RED NOSE DAY                                RED NOSE WEEK !!!!!!

How lamptons celebrated red nose day previously  !!!!
The last few years they have done a few things such as : 
 * talent show 
 * creating a huge 7 5  shape to symbol 75 children to currently do not attend school
 * face painting
 * sponsored silence
 *   non school uniform day
 * teachers fancy dress 

where will be hold our festival ? 

Our school is made up of many buildings and choosing  the key place to hold our festival was proven to be quite easy as theirs not many places in our school which could hold 100's of people in one room so we had two key places ..... 

We have chosen to use both as our festival is a five day event 

In the play ground we have chosen to use the creative media truck which opens out into a stage which is a great help for the live music 
The truck is huge and perfect for the play ground but the inside of the truck is even better and perfect for presenting our work which is a key part of our festival . 

the truck

blue prints of the play ground

                            planning Lampton's got talen

Finding performers :) 

we had to hold auditions to find the perfect performers for lamptons got talent but we also took this opportunity to find performers for the live playground performance . for this we had to do things such as :
                                                           1. plan a date and time 
                                                           2. find staff to help out
                                                           3. find a place to hold the auditions
                                                           4 . advertise 
                                                           5. borrow equipment 
                                                           6. discuss jobs roles

time and date : February 15th  3:45 pm 
staff : miss crooker : drama teacher 
place : drama huts 
advertise : posters
equipment : we needed to borrow equipment such as a key board from the music department or a video camera to film with . so it was our response ability to make sure we looked after these items and got them back in one piece .
job roles : we need to decide who are judges were and who would be helping the acts to get signed up.  
we decided that two of my best friends were the perfect people for the judge roles because they are quite well known around school so people will feel a little more comfortable around them and also they both have a interest in dance and music . 


we tried to advertise the posters to the max . We set every school computer background to this poster and stuck them on every wall we saw .


My design 

this is my design 
i choose to make it bold but clear.
I also wanted it be clear that it had something to do with red nose week so i made sure the red nose was included . The information include was very clear and expressed the fact that we all looking for all talents .

                                            The lunch time of our dreams 

ever wanted to just listen to some live music during your lunch break ? maybe even listen or watch a few acts ? and buy some snacks or take part in a few games ? well this is what we planned ... 
 We had amazing acts with some awesome equipment 


working with staff was hard work , we needed to ensure that we had regular meetings to keep everyone update with the plans we were making , this was one our first meetings .
It was important to remember these for things :
>> assess progress
>> identify problems
>> resolve issues
>>make decisions

                                         year 7 party - fail 

due to the amount of things going on  we were unable to go ahead with the year 7 party .Here is all the planning that we did  for the year 7 party . 

where :

sixth form block  
we choose the sixth form block because it was a large open space which was great for the year 7's to being able to run around and have fun .We needed to think about health and safety so one of a our main concerns was how many students would it be able to hold with out it being over crowed .Our first choice would have been to used the school hall as it is huge and would have been great having the toilets so close so that children were not running our the premisses with staff. 

When : 

wednesday 16th march

this would have been in the middle of our week which seemed to be quite hard due to the fact that we still had so much to arrange so we cancelled the party to make time of the other events .

why :

to raise money for comic relief and to impress the year 7's with the first ever red nose week they had celebrated with lampton
advertising- we created posters which we thought would catch the eye of years 7's .We tried to include the red nose theme as much as possible with out making it look too much .
this was a poster design created by a group member erica we all thought it was great but was very time consuming and as be learnt time was not on our side .it was running out like quick sand 

                       presenting our work during the festival 

we choose to present our film noir piece as we feel it was our most creative piece and we'd love to know what people thought of it .

we choose to present our work to media students  , it was open event but we asked future media students along because we feel people with a interest in media would have a greater understanding of the performance .

things to remember :

The presentation is :  showing our film noir video 
who's involved : the creative media group
where : the media suite 
how much : free entry 
where people can get further information : i made it possible for people access us through email

health and safety , the media suit is not the biggest place and with around 15 students in the room we needed to make sure everyone was safe . 

for example :
 * we asked people to walk in one by one / and to leave one by one
 * as the media suit is quite dark we ensured the lights were on so they could see fully
 * we spaced chairs fairly apart and asked students to walk to them one by one to prevent any accidents
 * we made sure that the screen was at viewing point and that any wire connecting to the screen was not causing any danger to people around us .

advertising : we made a simple poster using one of our film noir photo's but we wanted it to if in the red-nose week theme
so we left the picture as it was and put thing the key information  in a red nose day theme . 

the 3 aims :
identifying your audience >>>> maximising your audience >>>>> satisfying your audience

we handed out sheets for people to give feed back most of the feed back we were given positive , people complained about the screen being to dark but we were able to do anything about it due to the projector we used .

other than that we were really pleased with people views . below is russ's views on the video


succeeding my intentions : I personally feel i succeded in all my intentions , as a group were working amazingly , working together and working quickly , my main intention was to find out what people truely thought of my film noir piece and the feed back i was given was great , i didnt exspect it too be so good .

The best bit of the process for me was was advertising , it was fun because i was able to create a poster , and i had lots of people asking me about the viewing .

The worse bit was the speaking infront of people to explain what the video was about but the audience was great towards me and didnt speak over the top of me . I liked the fact that most of our audience were future media students so it made it easier to describe the prosscess that the video was made in because they will be interested .

  I think most things worked well because we was working well as a group , we were quite organized and well prepared which i think helped make the viewing so more smoothly.

The only thing id change is maybe where we held it i would have liked to do the viewing in the media truck i think it would have been a more open space and we could have had a bigger auidience .