Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 



britney spears lucky 

the video tells a story of a hollywood  star but shes not happy and something is missing from her life .I know she showing a story because shes playing different characters through out the videos .
this video does not have dances its more of a story and story videos tend to have less dances
i like this video because the lyrics go with the video  and it makes it seem like it means something



this video  does not tell any storys its more of a dance video.the video does not have a  performance but the main singer is dancing .the video has been shot in studio.the video has dancing through out the hole thing. the special effect i would say is the lights and the back  ground.


The video does not tell a story but it does have live performance through out the hole video .a video have been shot in a studio and the studio has been set to look like a bedroom and some of the props look really old .the animation i think was used is when they make the electronic toys move around the room.i like this  video because its not like most videos although theses types of videos are becoming more popular
this is a award winning video by madonna .i think that it was so popular because it was different and not something you see every day but i think it almost makes madonna seem like a  witch  or some kind of spiritual person .The video would be quite boring for children so i think its aimed at adults.
Bork: All is Full of Love
  • Machines
  • Technical video
  • Cold colors
  • Different idea
  • love

Other lampton students gcse music videos

good example

this is a good example of a gcse music because its filmed outside of school with great lip singing and different back grounds and the mood of the video suits the songs

Bad example

this video didnt seem as if it had been planned very well at a certain part the girl forgets her words and some of the shots are not very good


my action plan

first i need to choose a song [ x ]
2nd i need to edit the song to  make it my own [
x ]
3rd i need to make a list of all my ideas [  x]
4th i need to choose my final ideas [  x]
5th i need to find people to be in my music video [  x]
6th i need to film my music video pieces [  x]
7th i need to edit my video on final cut pro  [  x]
8th add my music to my videos    [x  ]
9th upload to you tube  [x  ]
10th upload to weebly [x  ]

the idea

we are going to make our own puppet show music video using the song the show by Lenka.It will be like a fairytale including fairy tale characters . It will be really unrealistic and wacky and with new release of tim burtons alice in wonder land it gave me a inspiration to make my video in a wierd world full of strange things.

The story board

puppet show story board
1st scene : the waking up from her dream as a our main character slowly wakes up it leads to our second scene
2nd scene: this scene is our whirl scene where we wish to use a while to transform our dream into a strange world 
3rd scene :we now go to forest scene where our character is surrounded by animals
4th scene : with a transition we then go a to  castle where a prince and princess meet
5th scene : with another transition we switch to under scene where our main character turns into a mermaid 
6th scene :with yet another transition we switch to a dinosaur scene 
7th scene:princess and prince surrounded by love hears and hold hands
8th scene :going back through the whirl
10th scene:waking up from her dream 

The  story board
the story board has a range of ideas for fairy tales from thing like cinderella to little mermaid but each of the scenes are unrealistic


making the puppets 

1st step : printing off templates
2nd step: drawing round the templates on cardboard 
3rd step :cutting around the puppets
4th step : cutting small pieces to make details to the puppets
5th step : using sticky tape we stuck the kebab sticks to the puppets

setting the scenes

these are the scenes we created when practicing using the puppets .The scene you can see in the images was our fairytale scene where we had a princess and a prince running up a hill but there was one or two things we changed during the process of taking these images for example we made a sun puppet and then realized we didn't need it because the lamp we was using for our lighting already looked like a sun .

using the puppets

when using the puppets i noticed that using slower movements allow the shadow to be more clear which was the most important thing so i used lots of slow movements when practicing with them . 


technology :We were dependent on technology through our the project  each and every process included using technology to research we used the internet and mainly youtube  which was really helpful because it had a wide range of music videos to look through,I also did some research on my two artist's which was kate Nash and lenka so i used wikipedia during this process .

Our next step was to make a story board in which a used google to get idea's for and i was not to sure on what a story board for a music video looked like so i also used google images.When we started filmed i used a video camera as well as using youtube so when we were filming with the video camera i was able to listen to the song a lip sing .

We used a digital camera as well to take our pictures for the colours changing scene and then edited them using final cut pro .After we collect all our footage we simply used final cut pro to do the rest of the work .

improving :To improve our  video we tried many different effects like changing the colours of our footage and some of our images .We used a few video filters but decided that not all of our footage needed effects.A very great way to improve our work is by asking people for advice and asking how they think it could be improved we did this a few times for example paige said we need to change the lighting on a few of our shots to make them brighter because they were a bit to dark .

sticking to deal lines: we were set a few dead lines but they were changed after we lost our puppets and were forced to start our work over again .We were left with about 5 weeks to complete planning and recording and also editing which has been a major challenge and we were unable to keep to our deadline and had to go over a week or two .
problems:during making our video we had to deal with many problems including the major problem which was when our puppets were thrown out by the cleaner but i think the way we choose to deal with the problem was really good because we got on with it , we realised that we did not have enough time to recreate the puppets so we needed a hole new idea.

Another problem was not planning with every little detail  which would have stopped all the little problems like not filming enough footage or not getting the right  camera angles .We had a few minor problems which was easy to deal with  and we work together amazingly to get through them instead of making them bigger problems i also now know not to leave the problems to get worse but to deal with them straight away 

The big problem

The big problem.....shamefully our puppets have been throw out by the cleaners which have cause a problem for us because we so not have a enough time to continue with the puppet idea because they take so long to create but we did mange to find a more simple song with a few things of our own which we have added to it . We have done a new story board and will soon start filiming

Kate nash

singer song writer Kate Nash has several songs such as foundations,pumpkin soup ,kiss that gr and merry happy .she also had two albums made of bricks and my best friend is you .(born 6 July 1987) is an englishsinger based in London. She had a UK hit "foundations  in 2007, followed by the platinum selling UK number 1 album made of bricks. She was named Best Female Artist at the 2008 brit awards 


This is my face, covered in freckles with an occasional spot and some veins.
This is my body, covered in skin, and not all of it you can see
And, this, is my mind, it goes over and over the same old lines
And, this, is my brain, it's torturous analytical thoughts make me go insane

And I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I got a family
And I drink lots of tea

I've got nostalgic don't know
I've got familar faces
I've got a mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

And I'm sitting at home on a Friday night (2x)
And I'm sitting at home on a Friday night and I hope everything's going to be alright (2x)

This is my face, I've got a thousand opinions and not the time to explain
And this is my body, and no matter how you try and disable it, I'll still be
And, this, is my mind, and although you try to infringe you cannot confine
And, this, is my brain, and even if you try and hold me back there's nothing
that you can gain

Because I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I got a family
And I drink lots of tea

I've got nostalgic don't know
I've got familar faces
I've got a mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

And I'm sitting at home on a Friday night (2x)
And I'm sitting at home on a Friday night and I hope everything's going to be alright (2x)


our school uniform was our costumes because when we was filming our main scenes are performing in a school music room and nothing goes better with school like school uniform 


we choose to film in school because it seemed to go really well with our idea of a young girl who loves to perform and she uses school as her key to show off her talents .we filmed in the play ground and also the music room to film in these's places we need to insure there empty .


the video face effect

during the video we are going to show a few peoples faces flashing in different colors jack is the 1st person we have tried it on

we used this effect to make the video more interesting and to draw the audience into the video a little bit more   .We also thought it was more exciting and made the video a bit brighter .

The seven lesson plan

lesson 1 : weebly catch up 
lesson 2 : filming 
lesson 3 : filming 
lesson 4: final cut pro editing 
lesson 5 :editing 
lesson 6: taking photo's
lesson 7: weebly

this is the plan i tried to stick to when making my music video so we had time for a little bit of everything 

health and saftey

Making shadow puppets : using craft knifes we had to make sure we were using the correctly so nobody hurts them selves we also need to ensure they have been put away proply.We also had to go through this process when using scissors making sure that we were using the carefully to insure nobody hurt them selves.

setting the scenes :when settings scenes we were using lamps and with these lamps we needed to insure that the lamps did not over heat so each time we was not using them we would turn them off .also we needed to to make sure the stand was put on the table correctly to insure that the stand could not fall off and we also taped it to the table.

using the macs : we need to insure when editing that we did not have any drinking around the mac or any food to insure there was no accident 

filming : when filming we needed to carry the camera stand with us which was quite heavy so when going up and down stair we needed to make sure more than one person was carrying the stand and that the video camera was not on top of the stand 

                                                   final product


In this project i believe i have succeeded in my key objective which was to understand the aspects of making a music video.I believe i have achieved this because through doing research and planning i started to understand how music videos and made and how long it take to start with a idea and create it into an amazing music video

feedback - through out the hole process of making our music video my class mates and teachers have been giving me advice and feedback on how to improve my work .They told me what effects i should add to my video and they told me when my idea wouldn't quite work for example when i had the hole idea of a person drinking tea just to fill in a little bit of space my friends then told me that it didn't quite work .The feedback helped me to under what was needed in my work and what i could do to improve.

improving- I would love to improve a lot of my work if i had more time for example  i would improve my lip singing footage instead of having a lot of filming for the back of me which my team mate jack was filming i would also take more control over my group so we could have got more work completed .If i had a chance to improve my shadow puppet video i would to things a bit different i would have changed the lighting i was using to a brighter light source and i would take more care when cutting out the puppets so the shadow would be more defined .

over all i have really enjoyed this project it has been great fun and a massive challenge .I now know how hard group work can be and i know the important part is to work with each other not against each other.My video i am quite happy with but there a lot of things i would love to change like i would loved to have used my time more wisely and plan things out a bit better was i knew what was happening at what time ,i would make sure we have enough time for filming and enough time for editing.things i feel i have covered when studying music videos are  :
- the making of music videos
- different types of music videos
-the planning that's need to make a music video
-health and safety when making a music video
- popular music 

the thing i enjoyed most would be filming because we do not get a chance to do this normally and that why i think we needed more time to do this because we were unable to get enough shots of the whole of the music video and we had to use some shots were you are  unable to see me singing which worked ok but i think it would have been better if we had better shots of me singing.overall i do like my music video but ive enjoyed the researching more than ive enjoyed making the video because the research is the key to idea for my own music video