Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 


 Unit two performance ,Film Noir 

what is a performance ?
a performance generally comprises an event in which one group of people (the performer or performers) behave in a particular way for another group of people .

performance genres 

gigs - ( bands who often play their music to a group of people) 
circus-( people who perform difference gym routines 
theater-( people acting to create a performance)
musical theater-(people acting and playing music or singing)
film-(people acting and being recorded to make a movie)
stand up comedy-( people using comedy to perform)
radio drama-(people using there voices to create a performance )


  • film noir never has happy endings in fact you to tend to find out who the murder was.
  • film noir became very popular in the 1940's because they were marketable ,modern and cheap

rules of film Noir 

There would be venetian blinds, fedora hats but most importantly it would be filmed in black and white.
The most important thing is there is no good person in Film Noir.

Some of the biggest Film Noir films were:
Double Indemnity
The Third Man
Sunset Boulevard
The Maltese Falcon
The Big Sleep

The cabinet of Dr.caligari - made in 1920 

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of the first and the most famous examples of German expressionism, premiering in 1919 at the end of world war one .The film isfamous  its extreme expressionistic effects but also for its social commentary in a climate of political and social chaos.The film's expressionistic style was used to convey the fear of revolution and counter revolution that lived in the hearts and minds of the German public.

A young man named Francis recounts a fantastic story taking place in a North German town where a number of  murders have been occurring. Francis and his friend, Alan, visit a traveling fair where one of the acts is a certain Dr. Caligari's presentation of a hypnotized sleepwalker named Cesare who can tell the future. Cesare predicts Alan will be dead by the next morning, and he is in fact murdered in the night. Francis becomes suspicious of Caligari and Cesare, but another man is incorrectly blamed with the crimes. However, Cesare later abducts Francis's fiancee Jane, and it becomes evident that Caligari was commanding the sleepwalker to carry out the murders. Francis chases Caligari into an insane asylum where it turns out Caligari is the director who has himself gone mad. Dr. Caligari is captured and incarcerated in his own institution. The flashback ends, and it turns out Francis is actually a patient in the asylum, as are Jane and Cesare. The benevolent Dr. Caligari is the director, and he states that Francis suffers from delusions.

double indemnity (1994)sir billy wilder.

Double indemnity is a film noir movie based on two main people Walter  neff and Phyllis dietrichson .the first scene photo A, Walter neff had gone over to Phyllis dietrichson's home to sell car insurance to her husband Mr dietrichson hes not home but hes not so interested in insurance hes more interested in Phyllis. they sit down Walter is in complete control as he looks down at her while sitting on the arm of the chair it show that he is in control she is sitting with her legs crossed playing with the ring on her finger .Picture B is different Phyllis is in control and knows what she wants but Walter doesn't quite know shes in control

femmefatals are promiscuous they use their bodies to get what they want
they always use false tears to get their  own way and will also do anything to get what they want
men often fall into their traps
most femmefatals wear lots of my make up and are very pretty and quite young


* drinks /smokes
* desperate
*no morals
*easily seduced
*lives in a world of crime
* on the edge
*week willed

double indemnity film review



after watching double indemnity i started putting my own ideas of characters together .We had to think about things like names of our charactes ,what they would wear , how would they speak ..

Visual Styles


Chiaroscuro Lighting                                                                     

It is the lighting between dark and light for certain
 parts of the image or video. This photo shows the 
lighting behind the man.

Dutch Angle
This it used to put viewers of balance and to create a different view of the person or the scene. This video shows the Dutch Angle.

dutch angel example                                  my dutch angle photo

                                                 drama lesson

when researching performance we found that one of the first ever performances started by being a rain dance created by the romans and greeks  , so in our drama lesson with miss jeram we choose to create our own rain dance .We then moved on to creating our own little dramtic performance using masks to help use get into character .

We have been reading a play called Dial M for Murder in our lessons with Ms Jeram and once we have finished reading this play, we will re-in act it and film it for our final piece for this unit. We will use all of our skills that we had learn t from our drama lessons and the rules of film noir. It is about a lady that is having an a fair and her husband knows about it. He then tries to get one of his old friends to Murder the wife but he underestimates her and she kills the husbands friend.
during our more practical lesson we  studied the script and decided which parts we most liked and which part we wished to use .we then changed a few lines to make it a bit easier and we shortened the ending .We then created new names for some of the characters  .

Our Script

Part 1

Vivian: Oh, what were you saying?
Max: I was just saying I had murdered 52 people since I last saw you. Its not easy being a crime writer.
Vivian: There's something i've been meaning to tell you.
Max: Go on.
Vivian: Tony doesn't now anything about us.
Max: Oh.
Vivian: Or the letters that you wrote to me. And I loved the 10th one so much, I carried it around with me. Until one day we were visiting some friends in the country side and I had realised I lost my bag.
Max: Where was this?
Vivian: At Victoria station. I went back to the restaurant to see if it was there but it wasn't there so I went to lost and found. The bag was there but the letter wasn't. Then, I recieved a note a week later telling me what I had to do to get the letter back.
Max: Carry on.
Vivian: I had to get £100 out of my bank account and change it for used £1 notes.
Max: Did you mail the money?
Vivian: Yes but the letter never returned.

(Tony enters)

Vivian: Oh Tony dear, why are you so late?
Tony: Oh sorry darling the boss blew in just as I was about to leave.
Vivian: Tony, this is Mr Max Halliday.
Tony: Hello Max. How do you do?
Max: Nice to meet you Tony.
Tony: Has Vivian been looking after you alright?
Vivian: We've been drinking ourselves silly waiting for you. So, did you book the table I asked for?
Tony: Yes, 7 o'clock on the dot.
Vivian: OK we better get our coats on then.
Tony: Oh sorry slight change in plan darling. I wont be able to come.
Vivian: Can't you atleast join us afterward?
Tony: Sorry, see my boss sent in I have to give in my daily report so im going to have to work on that all night.
Vivian: Ok darling, goodbye.
Tony: Bye, have a good time.

(Tony has a drink and dials a number on the phone)

Captain Lesgate: Hello?
Tony: Hello, is this Hamspread 2871.
Captain Lesgate: Yes.
Tony: Ah hello. Can I speak to Captain Lesgate?
Captain Lesgate: Yes, speaking.
Tony: Ah hello Captain Lesgate. I was wondering if I can enquire about the car you have for sale?
Captain Lesgate: Yes of course, and american car.
Tony: Yes, it looks quite the business. Could you bring it down to my place?
Captain Lesgate: Certainly, where is it?
Tony: 281 Charring ton Gardens.
Captain lesgate: Harrington?
Tony: No Charring ton.
Captain Lesgate: Ok, be there soon.
Tony: Alright, see you soon.

(Tony sits down and has a drink. Captain Lesgate enters Tonys home.)

Captain Lesgate: Ah you must be the man interested in buying the car.
Tony: Yes. Hello, my names Tony.
Captain Lesgate: Pleasure to meet you Tony.
Tony: Please take a seat. Would you fancy a drink of ?
Captain Lesgate: Go on then.
Tony: So how much would you like for the car?
Captain Lesgate: Well, how much will you be willing to pay?
Tony: I dont know, how much do you want for it?
Captain Lesgate: £1100?
Tony: That's a little high.
Captain Lesgate: Well I guess it was a little high when I bought it.
Tony: Haha, would you like another drink?
Captain Lesgate: Yes please.
Tony: How about £700?
Captain Lesgate: £700?
Tony: hmm £700.
Captain Lesgate: I guess we can settle on £700 then.
Tony: The thing is Captain Lesgate I didn't call you about the car.
Captain Lesgate: You didn't?
Tony? No. You see i've been watching you recently.
Captain Lesgate: You have?
Tony: Yes, following your every move. I saw what you did with the old lady and the cocaine. It very, very interesting. And, well, you see. I've been having some problems with my wife. You see, she's been cheating on me recently.
Captain Lesgate: Having an affair?
Tony: Yes. And unless you want me to go to the police and tell them about the cocaine incident, I guess your going to have to help me get rid of her.
Captain Lesgate: Help you?
Tony: Yes.
Captain Lesgate: Get rid of your wife?
Tony: Yes.

Captain Lesgate: It's a big question.
Tony: I know it is.
Captain Lesgate: It could be risky.
Tony: Well it doesn't seem like you have a choice. It's either that or you know what else.
Captain Lesgate: How much would be in it for me?
Tony: £500
Captain Lesgate: £500?
Tony: £500, no higher, no lower.
Captain Lesgate: Could be risky but £500 sounds good. Good speaking to you Tony.
Tony: You to Captain Lesgate. Oh one more thing. Your going to need this. (Tony hands Captain Lesgate the letter that was taken out Vivians bag).
Captain Lesgate: What is it?
Tony: It's the letter.
Captain Lesgate: Ah thank you.
Tony: Alright.
Captain Lesgate: See you soon.
Tony: See you soon.


Vivian - Hello , hello - hello

(Murder Scene - Vivian kills Captain Legatee )

Vivian - HELLO - HELLO
Tony - Hello ,Vivian are you alright?
Vivian - Tony come home - come home tony
Tony -  What's the matter?
Vivian - Tony, I killed somebody , Come Home
Tony - Ok um um , stay right there. I will be right there alright , don't call the police . I will be right there.
Vivian - Ok

(Tony Arrives)

Tony - Darling, Are you alright? W-What happened?
Vivian- Alot happened
Tony - It's alright he's dead now. Don't worry the police are on the way.
( Two Inspector Arrives)
Inspector- Can we have his body bagged and checked for any evidence please
Um ..What's is going on here?
Tony- As you can see my wife was attack by this erm.
Well I wasn't actually here, I was on the phone
Inspector- Then can your wife through it please
Tony - She's kind of little bit emotional right now, She just been attack by that man.
Inspector- But I need to know what's going on?
Tony - Can't we do this another time , She's been through a lot. It's not unfair 
Inspector 2 - Look what I found sir
Inspector- Thank you

Inspector- Well, it looks like this man was blackmailing you miss
Vivian- He wasn't ,I have never seen him before, I promise
Inspector- Well , this letter its proves he was blackmailing you , So that gave you a good enough reason to kill him.
Vivian- No, he attack me, I never seen him before
Inspector - We need to take your wife down the station to question her.
Inspector - Common, thats totally not fair.
Vivian - Tony please let them do this
Inspector - I'm sorry , She's a suspect here- Main Suspect , we need to take her down the station. Cuff her and take her
Vivian - No tony , Dont them do this to me. Tony - Tony - No - Tony - Help me
Tony- It's so unfair , she's just been attacked
( Inspector takes Vivian away)
Max - Tony, What's going on ?
Tony - Nothing as you concern.
Max- What happened, Tony?
What's going on, Tony?
Tony-  Did you know what's going on?
Max- What are you talking about tony?
Tony - Err, Letters - Letters
Max - What letters?
Tony- (Laughing) All the letters - All form you
Max - how do you know about those?
Tony- Reading, Look there all over the place. Its not hard to know or not hard to forget. (Getting up) It doesn't matter anymore cause got fews days left she will be dead and well I will have all the money wont I.
MAx - What?
Tony- Up, I can smell that all that green.
Max - How could you?

(Max kills Tony)

Max- How can you do something like that?


time line 

week 1 (theater history )
the first week we was looking at theater history and what the theater looked like and first and were some acting come from like a rain dance was one of the first forms of acting .also we found out quite a lot of information on the roman theater

week 2 (reading the play )
the 2nd  week we started by reading the play and getting to know who was who in the play and learning about what kind of people they were and thinking about what the scene would look like .

week 3 of our performance (planning)
the 3rd week we started by planning by were choosing who would be
*actor's or actresses
* hair and make up artist
*lighting crew
*camrea man or women
*runner (someone who collect and props and sets the scenes)

week 4 (filming)

this week we started filming

every one was given a role
Georgia(actress) ( music creator )
Paige (actress) (music creator)
jack (actor /camera man ) (editor)
kismet ( director)
sushil (runner) ( set designer )
erica (lighting women) ( set designer ) (costume and make up)
samit (actor/camera man) (editor)
Reece (actor)

the filming was really hard work and it become quite stressful for me because repeating my lines over and over again became quite annoying .But at the end of the day when all the filming was done i felt much better knowing we had completed everything .

week 5 ( editing roles)

this week we have been taking a look at the roles we might take part in now because with filming out of the way it was now time to select roles of
* editing
*music makers
* title's and credits

Paige ,Georgia,Reece, music makers
kismet ,sushil,Erica ,titles and credits

my film noir photo's

we tried to make our models look like film noir stars so we used props like
we tried talking our own photo's in a film noir style which included things like
*large shadows
* lighting

props and room layout 

our room was pretty basic and was made out of things like 
* chairs
*props ...e.g telephone ,lamp etc
*a small small table 
these things helped to give us a basic living room 

my 2D room design

this is the basic design of our set .. 
our three key things in out set are the sofa the table and the side table 
this is because it enabled  us to place our props out in a way which stopped use from over cramping our set 

final piece

part one :)

part two :)


Our film noir piece is really quite good i really enjoyed making it and i think our over all piece is good.The best thing about the piece is the editing has been done really well also the title and credits are just like a film noir movie .We made sure our movie was in black and white we wanted to seem really film noir the play we used wasn't a film noir movie or piece but it was just like one so we changed it a little bit to make it film noir .

i think the film we made was quite good if i was to do it again i think i would improve a few things like i would change the roles people had and i think  we could have worked together a little bit better .But the over all film is really quite good i like the film its self i think the music is OK but it was really hard work creating the music maybe if we had some kind of tune to start with it would have been a lot easier .

I am quite proud of our work because we worked really hard and with people leaving the diploma it became really k us a long time to choose what roles people were doing because everybody wanted to do different roles and not everyone got the roles they wanted .Kismet who had now left the diploma was director i think she did things really well but she should have been a bit more bossy with us and control us  i think Paige and jack was in control a bit more so i think people should have stuck to their own roles.quite hard for us because there is not many people in the group from the start and losing people made it even harder because we had to do more than one job like i was doing acting and creating the music and jack was doing 3 roles which was acting camera man and editing i think if we had more people in the diploma it would have be a easy task .

I think if we had more time to film we could have made our film look a lot better we could have made a proper background and maybe even make our props a little bit more real .We filmed our hole piece with in 4 lesson i think this was really good although everybody thought it would take much longer .

The hardest thing was making the music if i could do it again i would maybe do some more research.So to make the music i had to learn a hole new software which was quite useful because it will help me in gcse music and i feel that being in the diploma gives me so many useful skills .

The cast and crew

over all i really enjoyed studying film noir