Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 


yesterday we went on a trip to the portrait gallery .we got up there by train it was a OK journey but it was really hot .When we got there we was a bit early go we had a little look around we then started the tour i really enjoyed the tour and i now can look at paintings in a different way .I really liked a painting that was of a man .his eyes were really blood shot and the back ground was a dark blue the painting told me that the man was unhappy in some way or something had happend to him after i decided to read the card beside it i then found out that the man who painted the painting his  mother was dying during the time he was doing the portrait so he showed all his emotions i really enjoyed asking lots of questions and i tried my best to understand the paintings.I am going to go back to the gallery at some point in time


today we made a new trips page and found out loads of information about places in london i found loads of places and picked only three.I really enjoyed the day and wo


we have been working on photography that show peoples true image that show who they are in one picture so if some one is moody they will have  a photo taken of them showing their moody side or some thats always happy we would try and take a image showing their moody side .


last week we went to the rsc to watch some short plays performed by student from other school.I really enjoyed the trip and learned loads about shake spear .i interviewed a man that had been working at the rsc for ten years he told me "at first when i got the job and the rsc i thought of it as a job just to earn money now i see it as a world of its own where i meet many people and get to learn more skills every day "
i also spoke to a school that was  performing they told us that learning about shake spear is great .

i really enjoyed this trip .


today we were taking  photos of rain i really enjoyed this even though i got really wet it was fun to be outside looking at something different i also took a few photo's which i really liked and i started to look at a different side of photography as before i did not thing photography was very interesting now i think its fun and different 


today i have made to new pages called photographers gallery and unit 1:scene .I have really enjoyed making these pages because i have been able to work on my own doing my own research but the best part is having a lot of time to do this . I now thing that my weebly site is looking much better but i dont think my front page is quite done .


i missed my first week of the diploma but with a help in hand from my friend paige i have caught up with everything. I have now added a picture of me to my weebly site .Im also really enjoying the diploma it has now become my fav lesson of the week :)  

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