Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 

starting performance : we have started looking into peformances and how they came around ....we have also been looking at film noir because we are going to create our movie in a film noir theme .

reading the script : we have been reading our new script call dial m for murder .The script its quie good but very long and i dont really like some of the characters names .

watching double indememity : i like the film and its quite predictable but one thing i really is that you see the ending before the begging and by this i mean when you see walter neff all sweaty talking to a tape recorder and then he tells you the story

roles : today we have planned with roles we will be playing , samit will be playing max,
paige will be playing inspector , sushil will also been playing an inspector , jack will be playing captin lesgate , i will be playing vivian and reeces will be playing tony .

remembering line : im finding it quite easy to remember my line but i wish i could say the same thing for reeces its been hard work trying to help him .But i think we will pull through with a little bit more practise .

setting the scene :today we was able to take what we wanted out of the drama cupboard to set our scene . we were creating a living room so we made a sofa out of chairs and covered it with a throw over ,we also had a small table with a lamp and telephone and also a a coffee table we need this for the letters and knife

 idea's for music : i was asked to create the music which worried me a little so ive been trying to find some music in a minor key to so with the murder scene in our film

yesterday we filmed  our own making of dial M for murder .We where each given roles such  as actor's ,camera man or women ,director and runner.each role played a big part .I was a actress i found working as a actress really quite hard and stressful also getting along with co workers were also quite hard .We filmed all of our scenes within 4 lesson each lesson was 45 mins we where all very happy with the amount of  film that we had .everybody worked very well as a group and a lot of work was completed which we all was very happy with .The next thing we will be doing is  editing our film and creating our music for the film also we will be doing our titles and credits . :0

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