Creative and media diploma 
              Georgia Alice Addis 

we visited sky for the day we started with a small talk to introduce us to sky were a man who used to work for BBC three spoke to us . We then went to the sky movies department which was very interesting we went through  was sky movies do although i knew a lot of it because i had  sky at home .The man we was working with explained things really well and then show us some of the makings of avatar which was really cool because i love that movie .we then spoke to one of the boss's of the sky movies department who spoke to us about what her job is and where she gets to travel and who she gets to meet which was pretty amazing. The second half of the day was looking at sky going 3D which i also thought was pretty cool ,so we looked at some 3D TV and some programs  and then we made little presentations in groups to explain what we think should be made in 3D e.g. music videos and movies or who would the target  audience be . the day was fun and i enjoyed meeting new people very much .

 warm ups
*main dance

we all took part in a dance lesson which was really fun because we learnt the friller dance ...i really enjoyed this because it was something we hadnt done before and it was creativity and i tend to love anything to do with being create. i also thought the boys in the class were rather good :) i would love to have a few more dance lessons

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